June 16, 2006

Too Far

The Eruption, by Luke Chueh
Originally uploaded by Citizen Rob.
Okay, so if you didn't see it, there was an ugly incident in the comments area of my last (and now deleted) entry. A bunch of people from a private forum showed up and piled on, and I approved all of them in the interest of trying to be fair (and interesting, to be honest). Some of them were sort of nasty, calling Schuyler a brat and bully, but whatever. I know Schuyler, and enough of you have met her or know her and know she's neither, so it was more amusing than anything else. Hateful people have their own internal monologue, and God bless 'em for it. I hope the sky in their world is a pretty color.

But then it happened.

Rob, I just want you to know that if I ever see your kid in public (and since you've nicely told everyone where you live, that shouldn't be too hard to arrange), I'm not going to wait for her to attack. I'm going to beat the shit out of her right then and there and see if she learns a lesson.

And that was it. That was the line. That was the first and last time anyone will ever threaten Schuyler on this website. I'm not sure how we're going to address this, since my presence on the web is part of what is being sold to editors by my agent. Going away completely feels like an overreaction.

But things will have to be different. For now, I'm going to go through and delete all the references to where we live, and I'm hiding (and turning off) the comments. That's obviously not going to stop anyone who's already been reading and preparing to beat the shit out of a six year-old, but it's a start. Today wouldn't have happened if not for the mob mentality and the piling on. I won't provide the platform for that kind of thing.

As soon as I saw the comment, I called Julie on the very remote chance that this threat was more than just someone trying to be an ass and going too far, which is honestly what I think it was. I needed her to be a little extra aware and vigilant.

From her reaction, I can tell whoever it was that left that comment, as well as your hateful friends, that you can be certain of one thing.

If you do actually try to harm our daughter, it will end tragically, and not for Schuyler or for us.

Julie and I can't be any more clear than that.

I'll be back when I know what to do here.


Anonymous said...

Rob, I just read Bev's entry.
I can't understand why folks are so utterly degraded mean.

Still rooting for Schuyler and you and Julie.

tiff said...

Also read Bev's entry, had seen the flaming last week, and remain completely appaled by the assmonkeys who would feel free to play their sick little game here.

Deep deep breaths, and a battle plan are needed. I'm sure you've taken care of both. However, should you need a 5'10" former weightlifter gal to kick some ass on your behalf - gimme a call, 'kay?

Murphy Jacobs said...

There are no reasons -- NO REASONS -- in existance to EVER threaten a child with physical harm.

Melanie said...

Holy fuck -- I'm just flabbergasted. Any asshole who announces that he's going to beat the shit out of a little kid needs to be removed from the gene pool permanently, and I would be more than happy to volunteer for that cleanup job.


Stephanie V said...

I've always liked the analogy that a blog is like a porch. Strangers can come by and see you, wave if they feel so inclined and even stop and chat a while. If they're not particularly interested in being neighborly, they can just keep on walking. Decorum dictates you don't walk up and take a dump on a stranger's porch. That's a class of people that screams 'Springer'. An individual who would threaten a 6-year old, why that's just all about the class isn't it? What a stellar human being - makes me proud to be of the same species. No doubt highly educated these individuals set the standard of society.

As a blogger, I'm embarrassed.

Unknown said...

I'm sick to my stomach on this.. and reading the later entries, I am amazed that this has happened.

This is something that a parent should never have to deal with. Thinking of you and the fam.

waxwings said...

Threatening small children with beatings is a popular pastime for a suprisingly widespread demographic most commonly called 'losers'.

Fortunately, the typical loser is far to bound to his or her romantic involvement with small boxes of text on the computer screen that periodically chime and display uplifting messages like 'wut r u waring rite now??????' to venture outside and actually beat anyone.

Rabbitch said...

I'm utterly horrified. I'm so sorry that you ever had to read anything like that. There's no excuse.