March 21, 2008

Bok bok

Rather than make my usual, snotty and perhaps predictable "Zombie Jesus" jokes about Easter, I thought I'd remind everyone of the most persistent Easter memory most of us (or a certain age) still retain.

Well, okay, perhaps not the ONLY memory...


Araby62 (a.k.a. Kathy) said...

Loved these. Thanks for the memories!

golfwidow said...

I still have my stuffed Cadbury bunny, and he still clucks when you press his paw.

Anonymous said...

Hee hee! My Dad and I still joke about the "Thanks Easter Bunny ... Bawk Bawk!" commercial. I have to forward him the link to the YouTube so he can see it.

Anonymous said...

My brother and I do the "Bok bok" EVERY Easter. ONe of us will say, "Thanks, Easter bunny!" And the other one will respond with the "bok bok!" in kind.

It's dumb. But it never gets old.

Kinzie said...

AWESOME. Man, it used to make me sad when he said "and when he's gone? THEY'RE GONE."

This was so great.

George said...

Thanks Rob! BAWK BAWK!

Bernard said...


May all of you have a happy Easter with full of the joy and expectation that it gives me.

Anonymous said...

Wow! those were a LOOONG time ago. I loved seeing them again and remembering my childhood. Bawk! Bawk!

Erin said...

Ok, I've been on a commenting drough, but you got me with "Thanks Easter Bunny!".'s been forever since I saw that ad and it still makes me laugh.

Jana said...

Oh, the memories. Thanks, Easter bunny! Bok bok!

Mrs. Mancuso said...

I played those for my kids & now they do the routine.

11 year old: Thank you Easter Bunny!
5 year old: BOK BOK!


Pat said...

Happy Easter! Just had to let you know that I got your book from Amazon Canada (who knew?) and am spending my Easter Sunday curled up with tea , chocolate, the book and penicillin (strep throat..lovely).
However, if you have to be sick , this is the way to do it!
Have been reading you for about 11 years Rob and love your writing.

Anonymous said...

Tag, you're it!
What, pray tell, is your response?

Major Bedhead said...

Heh. Thanks for reminding me of those.