February 17, 2008

Sighting in Baton Rouge

Schuyler's Monster
Originally uploaded by Elizalou

How cool is THAT? (Thanks to my good friend Eliza...)


Anonymous said...

I picked up my copy today! I'm on page 106. Need to go to bed, but I can't stop reading....

Anonymous said...

Ah! Brilliant idea! I hope you get a bunch more!! I will try for one tomorrow!

..M.. said...

I'm buzzing on your behalf!

Any idea if your book will turn up in New Zealand?

Can you help me on something here - if it's possible by the typed word - can you help me pronounce your daughters name? I've never come across it before and I don't know where to start! I've been reading it as 'shyler' for all this time but I think I'm probably quite wrong...

Robert Hudson said...


HokieGeek said...

Amazon (US) shipped my copy yesterday! Cannot wait to read it. Unfortunately my wife has first dibs on it, so I'll have to wait

Linda Ball said...

I thought of buying one on Amazon for my niece and then buying one for myself when Rob comes to Austin. But I didn't want her to get to read it first! I just hope we don't ever see pictures of it on the remainder table. So many good books end up there.

JAM said...

Aarrgh! I looked for it in one local B&N over the weekend and didn't see it. I'll check the bigger branch today!

Anonymous said...

Your Amazon.com order has shipped (#105-9868093-7779609)

Aiyeeeeeeeeee!!! Yay!

Amy Lynn said...

Just picked up my copy in NYC today. :)

kris said...

Woohoo! My book shipped :) I've been looking at my local stores, no luck yet. Massachusetts is clearly behind the times!

Anonymous said...

I checked the local store - it is in stock at B&N in Fargo, North Dakota. Now you know you've made it big time!

Karen Putz said...

Robert-- I read the Good Housekeeping article while up in Michigan for the weekend. It sure looks like the book is everywhere-- congrats!

Lauri said...

I can't wait to pick up my copy this weekend....here in Ohio

congrats Mr. Fancy Pants

Anonymous said...

Picked up a copy at Borders Store #1 today. :-) On page 90.

Susie said...

Rob, I am so excited for you! I will be buying my copy in Waterford, Connecticut tomorrow! :-D

Anonymous said...

I think it is hilarious that Eliza rearranged the displays at her Barnes and Noble. I was ready to do that at mine too, but you were SOLD OUT!!!

Jim Howard said...

I checked the Austin Arboretum B&N today. The book showed as being in stock in biography, but there were no copies to be found there. :(

Jill said...

I just inquired with Borders on Washtenaw in A2 and they say they don't have it. Store #1 online inventory claims to not have it. Dammit! Sandy from A2, did the Liberty store have many copies?

kris said...


Congrats and all good things today :)

How is Schuyler feeling about all of it now that the day is here?

Anonymous said...

My B&N did not have it in stock yet yesterday! boo hiss!!

I am going to try some other local stores because I want the thrill of picking it up off the shelf!

Anonymous said...

jim howard,

As a former bookseller, I can see three possibilities:

1. The computer shows it as in because it's in a box in the back waiting to be put out on the shelf.

2. Rob's so damned popular in Austin that the book sold out immediately, and the computer hasn't caught up with the POS system.

3. A bunch of people have reserved copies, and they're hiding behind the counter until they come pick them up, until which time they won't show as sold.

In any case, Amazon might be the way to go. Might have to do that myself if B&N in Dallas runs out before Saturday's festivities.

Tina said...

Best feeling ever.

Anonymous said...

Incidentally, are the B&N signings restricted to books sold in the store itself, or can the book be brought in from outside? Just checking, sometimes stores get crazy about that stuff.

Anonymous said...

I was disappointed to learn the Poughkeepsie, NY Barnes and Noble had only ordered 1 copy and it was already reserved by another customer. I had them order a copy for me - hopefully this will help convince them to order more.

Rebecca said...

I picked up your book yesterday (in Washington) and read it yesterday. Once I get over all the motions I am feeling, I will be writing a review on my own blog and recommending it to all my viewers. The amazing honesty in your writing is what really had me not being able to put it down. The journey you guys followed to a diagnosis was similar to ours when my daughter was diagnosed with Rett Syndrome...I laughed I cried...Absolutely amazing book. Thankyou Rob for telling your story.

Anonymous said...

I went to 3 B&N on Long Island NY and they had it in back but wouldn't put it out until today.....grrrrr.
Would love to go to the book signing but work prevents me. Good Luck and best wishes. Looking forward to getting my copy

Anonymous said...

Ordered one yesterday!

Mary said...

Bought my copy at a Borders in Central IN. today- B & N didn't stock it! Never going THERE again! Anyway, congrats, it is so far highly awesome! I have been reading your blog for 2-2.5 years, it has been a long road for you but this is incredible!

KAL said...

I found one lone copy of your book at a B&N in Maryland yesterday. I was quite thrilled to get the last copy.

Anonymous said...

Yippeeeeeee! Got mine today at B&N, Peobody, MA. Had to ask for it. Nice man looked it up and said they had just come in. He went out back, opened a carton and got me a copy. Told me it was the first sold at that store.

Did I say, yippeeeeee!?

(Told him they better hurry up and get them out on the shelf as there would be a swarm of fans looking for the book.)

Casdok said...

Very cool!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Amazon is delivering mine today! I can't wait! Kudos, Rob!!!!


Anonymous said...

EEEEEE!!! Amazon just delivered mine!!

Bernard said...

Your Amazon.com order has shipped (#103-8374722-4019802)

It should arrive tomorrow. I can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Just finished the book, Rob, and every page was wonderful. Thank you for putting it all there. And I'm looking forward to reading Schuyler's own book in another 15 years or so.

Unknown said...

Got mine today from Amazon!

Kathy of the HavinsNest said...

My copy got here yesterday. I'm so excited to see it sitting here but, truthfully, I am avoiding picking it up. I am proctoring Texas teacher ExCet exams on Saturday and will be reading the book during the testing. I'm afraid to start it before then for fear I won't be able to put it down and I'll have it finished before Saturday.

Anonymous said...

ARGH! I pre-ordered forever ago and just got an email from Amazon saying it was delayed now till APRIL!! wtf??

deb said...


I just opened my package from amazon.

I've got tears in my eyes just looking at this book.

I'm going to a quiet corner of my house to start reading.....



Suzy said...

Amazon delivered my copy today, it is sitting on the bed waiting for the boys to go to sleep so I can dive in.

Congratulations Rob, I'm so very happy for you.

Anonymous said...

There was a question about bringing a book that you purchased before the event. That is fine by me. Since I'll be running the event on Friday. By the way I ordered a lot of books so no fear of not being able to get one for either event.

Anonymous said...

My pre-ordered copy arrived from Amazon this morning. Yay! It's fabulous. Congratulations!

Amanda said...

Hey Rob,

I got the call tonight that my book came in to the local B&N...I had to order it because they didn't have any on order, which was sad. But they're the only bookstore within a reasonable distance, so I ordered and have been dying waiting for it.

Tomorrow I have no class and no homework so I plan to sit and read it all day. I actually have to remember to call my mom for her birthday before I start because I know that I won't do it once I begin reading!
I'm really excited for this book. the wait has been torture. ;)

Anonymous said...

Sadly, none of the stores (Barnes/Noble, Hastings, and Books a Million) in my town carry your book; but they can all special order it for me. Guess what I'm going to do during my lunch break? Yep! Get that puppy special ordered.

At least each of the stores has now had at least one request for it. Maybe they will eventually order some for their shelves. I'm tempted to call them every few days asking for it until they do. :-)

weebug said...

There has been a sighting in Seattle as well. I popped down to BN at lunch yesterday to pick up my copy! It is so cool to actually have a copy in hand.

Anonymous said...

I picked mine up at the B&N in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. I began the read while waiting on my oil change--when the tech came to tell me everything else that needed to be swapped out, changed, replaced, other than the oil change I just said "yeah, sure, whatever it needs". I'm not sure if the car was worth the extra work; but the time I got to spend reading while waiting certainly was! Thanks to the Rum-Hud family for the story!

Anonymous said...



To make this even cooler, I got to Amazon through a link on my daughter's Early Intervention Program's website. Buying your book will get my daughter's EIP a small donation and help more kids fight their monsters!

Congratulations! I expect to stay up way too late reading!

Anonymous said...

It was SOLD OUT at my closest Border's. But that didn't stop me, I just trucked on to the next once and found it!

Anonymous said...

I don't know it it's coincidence up here or not but Chapters, a division of Indigo books, and where most Canadians go to get their books is sold out in the Ottawa region.


I'll just have to get it online.

Anonymous said...

w00t! Just to follow-up, I got another email from amazon saying it just shipped!