February 22, 2008

Pimping my stuff like Chelsea, yo.

Originally uploaded by Citizen Rob
This weekend's media fun:

Think (KERA 13, Dallas) -- Friday, February 22, 2008, 7:30 pm

What can we learn about tenacity and joy from children, even when they're unable to communicate verbally? Robert Rummel-Hudson, whose daughter was diagnosed at age 3 with polymicrogyria – a rare disorder that leaves her unable to speak, will join us this evening to discuss his family's triumphs in the face of an extraordinary challenge. His book is "Schuyler’s Monster: A Father's Journey with His Wordless Daughter" (St. Martin’s Press, 2008).


Weekend America (American Public Media) -- Saturday, February 23, 2008

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Joy said...

I just saw the article in People this week featuring your book in the book section! Three and a half stars is awesome!

Robert Hudson said...

Huh? Shit, I haven't seen it yet!

Anonymous said...

Sweet! Congrats on all the "fancy pants" stuff. I ordered my book last night (since no bookstore in town carries it - I'll probably call each week asking if they have it on their shelves until they stock it). :-)

After reading your blog for over a year, I'm really excited to read the book. Congrats again. I think this whole thing is absolutely awesome. Have fun at all the "fancy pants" meetings, signings, and such.

Anonymous said...

Rock and roll! People? Nice. But oh man, featured on Think is the best. Your publicity folks have their shit together. You'd better buy some bigger fancy pants.

Crap. not bigger. Sorry. FANCIER.

Anonymous said...

Just got my people magazine. . . .
His pants SURE are Fancy!

Amanda said...

Hey Rob,
Finally got the book in my hands and read it yesterday-wonderful!

while some of it is stuff I've read before, possibly even close to word-for-word, I loved how it all fit together with the stuff we hadn't. Absolutely awesome...well done.
I'll be looking out for all your fancy pants reviews too. :)

Cyndi said...

Congrats Rob! I hope I can score a copy at Borders this weekend ~ I can't wait! I plan to buy two copies- one to share. My son's aide at school ('pseudo mom') is first on the list!

Second note - I have talked to my Chris about Schuyler and showed him some pictures etc. and his eyes got a little 'teary' in a happy way, and he thumps his hand over his heart...too sweet. I said what do you think about all this Chris? And the button he selected on HIS box? 'Cool'.

Love it!

Anonymous said...

I saw the review today in People, too. I'm so excited for you! They really, really liked you.

J said...

Having read you since before Schuyler was even a twinkle in your eyes, I feel like I *know* you in some regards...

So imagine my surprise at the pediatrician this morning as I thumbed through the 2/08 Good Housekeeping magazine (Dr Phil is on the cover) and when I turned a page there was Schuyler looking back at me!

Michelle said...

So, I don't know you at all, but I open People magazine's book section and yell out..."I KNOW THAT GUY"
LOOK AT YOU, MR. FANCY PANTS!!! And I have to type in all caps because I am shouting this in my head...I am that excited for you. Geez...imagine if I actually knew you! HA! Anyway, Congrats!

Bonnie said...

Michelle, that is exactly how I felt when I saw Rob and Schuyler in People magazine this afternoon! It was like bumping into old friends . . . except, of course, that they don't know me.

Rob, congrats on the book! I've been reading you for years, and I truly wish you continued success. You have a beautiful family and deserve only good things.

Anonymous said...


I sent a friend to buy the book today at your signing. I cant wait to read it!



grammacello said...

Wow Rob
I am a frequent reader and occasional commenter-just received my advanced order copy from Amazon at noon today and finished it this evening.
It is a stunning book, Rob, aside even from the compelling content. You should be so proud, in so many ways!

Anonymous said...

Loved it and have been showing it off to everyone. When my Ex-Husband (who was around Way Back Then) dropped off The Girlie the other night, I showed it off to him and his eyes got all big and he said: "Wow, very cool!" and offers his congratulations.

How many books do you have to sell before they break down and let you tour the U.S.. Do they realize the number of people who would come to see you in all sorts of cities?

Melanie said...

People, people, you're not thinking BIG enough! Robapalooza World Tour 2008! Rob and his Fancy Pants will visit every major city around the world! Yeah!

Iselyahna said...

Is it weird if I dreamed last night that Schuyler talked?

Jenifer said...

I gave a small donation to the fund for Schuyler's speech device after drifting over to your website through a series of other blogs a few years ago. I read it for several hours over that weekend, completely moved by your story.

Today I was driving home and heard your name (and instantly recalled the fancy pants name Rummel-Hudson =) on the NPR station out here in Orange County, CA. I sat in my car in the garage and listened to the whole bit. I am very happy to have hear about the success your family has had. Schuyler looks so grown up and happy. Well done. Keep up your good work.