November 20, 2007

Happy T-Day


Christine said...

OMG, poor big bird!

Anonymous said...

What's with the name change?

Robert Hudson said...

I never intended for it to be a spin-off of the book forever. I needed to change it before for legal reasons, but I never got around to renaming it until now.

Christine G. said...

Rob, this comic reminds me of the furor about "Sesame Street Old School." Have you seen this article? (i don't think it will let me insert it, thinking it is spammmmmm... but it is in the NY times)...

The new DVD is recommended for "Adults Only" because of the content. Cookie monster smokes a pipe, so that's bad. And Big Bird is the only one who can see Snufflupagus, so he's obviously mentally defective and hallucinating, and Bert and Oscar are really bitchy instead of happy, sunshiney dudes. Also, old men invite little girls in for ice cream and to meet their wives, which could send the message that it's okay to go off with strange old men...

how did we survive our childhoods after seeing this show?

Your comic instantly made me realize that my evil sense of humor is fully rooted in Sesame Street.

Happy Thanksgiving. Save some of that crispy skin for me.

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving! What a year you've had. Whenever I see your countdown thingy, I'm amazed at how it seems the days have flown by since you got the book deal. 89 days seems like nothing now! Enjoy your family!

Sonja Streuber, PMP(R), SSBB said...

Where are the mashed potatoes?

Anonymous said...

Don't make me wet my pants! :)

DeadPlantBoy said...

It is your Book and your blog, what is illegal about that???

Billie said...

That's just wrong...

kris said...

OMG...that picture is traumatic!

Unknown said...

Awesome pic - did a double-take when I realized who the turkey was.
As a side funny, have you seen the Muppet Family Christmas? There's a fabulous scene where the Swedish chef is trying to figure out how to roast Big Bird, who is oblivious. It's one of the better Christmas specials out there.
Hope your Turkey day was not too somnolence-inducing or filled with relative-loathing. All the best.