February 25, 2007

Boring but brief

Two quick operational notes:

1) Apple's iWeb application makes pretty websites, by golly, so I've been using it for my other nonbloggerly pages. The problem is that it's not easily customizable, and if you're not hosting your site on Apple's servers, things like blog comments don't work without third party (or possible divine) intervention.

Well, I found a way to do it, I think, using my old HaloScan comment account from my journal. So far it doesn't seem to function consistently, however, and it formats weirdly. I'm still trying to tweak it. Still, it appears to be working, kind of sort of maybe perhaps, so if there's anything that you ever wanted to comment on or abuse me for over at the book blog, now's your chance.

(Someone also told me that the "comments" link doesn't actually look like a link. Perhaps I am going to have to break up with iWeb soon.)

2) In the next week or so, the name and URL of this blog will be changing, in part for boring legal reasons and also to bring it into parallel with the book site. The content and feel won't change (not sure if that's good news or just... news), so not a huge deal. Once it changes, this URL should still take you here, so I won't just disappear. Just a little heads up.


Kinzie said...

looks like it already changed! that was fast.

Robert Hudson said...

Insomnia: It's not just for book-writing anymore.

Maddy said...

Hope you're going to put one of those natty little redirect dooberies here?
Yours, a technically challenged person

Robert Hudson said...

It should be redirecting automatically. Maybe it needs another day or two to propigate.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Rob, my Bloglines feed still works with the new address. What service! You are the master.