February 16, 2007


The flu sucks.
Originally uploaded by Citizen Rob.
Well, my weekend plans have changed slightly.

She seemed absolutely fine when she got on the bus, but about an hour later, we got the call. Schuyler is suffering from either the flu or demonic possession.

It sucks when any kid is sick, but with Schuyler, it's extra heartbreaking because she can't really tell us very much about how she feels. The Big Box of Words helps to some extent, but it requires a certain amount of concentration and clarity that might just be somewhat lacking at the moment when your stomach is threatening to go all Vesuvius on you. Sometimes there's not much of a high-tech alternative to yelling "Gotta puke!"

We were practicing just now.

"So if you feel like you're going to throw up, here's a trash can," I told her as she lay on the couch. "Be sure to move Jasper out of the way first." (I swear, he looked worried.)

She nodded her head.

"Okay, so you need to let me know if you feel like you're going to be sick. What are you going to say if you feel like you're going to throw up?"

She opened her mouth and howled at me. "Aaahh!"

That'll do.


Nicole P said...

I don't think I've ever commented before. But I wanted to say that your daughter and your family's so incredibly quirky-normal life with her condition really inspires me.

And dear lord, could she be any more beautiful and could her hair be any more super-awesome-cool? I think not.

Hope the little one feels better soon.

Anonymous said...

Aw man, that sucks. Hope she feels better soon.

Erin said...

Poor Schuyler (and poor Jasper, can't say as I blame him)! I hope she feels better soon.

Unknown said...

Poor Schuyler. Hope she's better soon.

Anonymous said...

Why does so much of parenting involve pain? Whether it's worrying about my daughter's health of consoling her after kids were mean to her at school or obsessing that I haven't given her the life she deserves.

I swear to God, my heart fucking breaks every day.

Mark G

rennratt said...

Oh, I am so sorry!

May your daughter feel much better SOON!

Wendy Power said...

Ooh, poor pumpkin, the flu stinks. It's really going around right now. I didn't want to miss out, so I got food poisoning this week just to join in the fun.

Anonymous said...

Poor baby, tis the season for parents everywhere to man the puke bucket brigaide while the wee ones just feel miserable. Lots of fluids, small amounts, even if it comes back up after 5-10 minutes shes still absorbing some. No tears and no pee--get her to her doctor or nearest ER. She can have popsicles, jello, soft drinks, gatorade, pedialyte, fresh fruit. Don't worry if she doesn't want to eat much, just be sure she gets the fluids.
And I bet if you were to promise her a day at Disneyland while you are in LA she would smile at you even thru those sad little eyes!!!
Hope Schuyler is already feeling better.

Robert Hudson said...

It's weird, she was sad and pukey for maybe 12 hours, and now she's fine.

I'm just waiting to see who gets it now, me or Julie. She's been washing her hands compulsively, while I was letting Schuyler sleep in my lap and giving her lots of hugs ad kisses. My money's on Julie getting sick next.

Dawn said...

Hope all is well over @ your house!

Kathy of the HavinsNest said...

Quote: It's weird, she was sad and pukey for maybe 12 hours, and now she's fine.

There is a stomach virus hitting the entire nation including your city and mine. You describe the short version of it to a tee. I'm so glad she had the short version. The long version is a couple of days. YUCK

jennifergg said...

Sick nonverbal kids is a special level of hell for parents. I hope you are all feeling better by now...

Anonymous said...

Poor little sweetie. Her teddy (I'm assuming that's Jasper)looks comforting. I hope she feels better soon. She is absolutely adorable even when sick.

Jen B said...

Glad Schuyler's feeling better...my advice is to start sucking down the zinc and vitamin C!! Hope you and Julie miss the bad bug.