April 1, 2008

Is Schuyler a political pundit or a techie futurist?

You talk too much.
Originally uploaded by Citizen Rob
This question was on Schuyler's home work. I'm still trying to decide what to make of her answer.


New Things

The White House is where the U.S. president lives. Life in this building has changed over time. The White House got its first telephone in 1879. It got electric lights in 1891. An indoor swimming pool was added in 1942. The White House got its first fire alarm in 1965. After that came other new inventions such as computers and cell phone.

1. Make a prediction. What do you think the White House will get next?

Her answer?

"A brain hat."


I asked her about the brain hat. She says it looks like a helmet, hers is yellow and mine is green. "Brain hat help you work."

Where did she get the idea that the current White House occupant needs a brain hat? I guess she's paying attention after all.


robyncz said...

Best. Answer. Ever.

Anonymous said...

I love her answer. I think we can all use brain hats.

DmL said...

Seems more like she thinks the next or next few need it more. :P

k2 said...

A Brain Hat, sounds exactly like what our president needs.
Actually, I could use one to!

kris said...

Could Schuyler ship a brain hat to Massachusetts please? I'm in desperate need.

:) said...


BTW, at risk of sounding stalker-like, I just (finally ) purchased your book and I am loving every page of it. You are amazing, and having read your blog and journal for so many years the memoir flows like I'm reading about an old friend. As the mom of a 4 week old baby, the passage that has struck me the most so far is where you talk about feeling guilt not so often, but more than anything you feel guilt that you looked into hear baby eyes, and didn't know anything was wrong. I totally teared up at that, and it stopped me in my tracks. Parents get that. Get. That. Thank you for sharing your story with all of us.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps we can splurge and get congress some of those fancy brain hats too.

Nicole P said...

I also think anyone running for office should get a brain hat. And anyone making decisions in any court room anywhere. Further, I believe that the people at the UN need brain hats. And could we order one for one of my bosses?

I would like a pink brain hat for my own use.

Thank you.

George said...

LOL that is awesome. I too would like a brain hat but Camo so no one could see it!

theshe said...

Maybe it's like the helmet Zaphod wears in "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"! Sam Rockwell's interpretation of the Galaxy's president in the recent film adaptation seemed to take a few cues from our current U.S. president...

Melissa said...

She's got her Dad's snark.

Niksmom said...

Too. Funny.

Yes, a brain hat is definitely needed! Of course, the current occupant doesn't seem to have used his so maybe he could leave it behind for the next Prez?

Laura said...

Great answer. Go Schuyler the inventor!

Can I have a brain hat too?

weebug said...

she has it more figured out than most adults! way to go!

Iselyahna said...

I think she's gotten a better hold on politics than most adults in this country right now :P

Anonymous said...

What a clever response! Clearly, Schuyler has more brains than our current President does. ;)

Amnesia said...

We were in the Plano B&N (on Preston) tonight picking up a book for my daughter in high school. Right by the front door / checkout area was a HUGE display of your book!! My daughter picked it up, read the back and was all hyped up about it. It was pretty cool

Billie said...

Bwahahahaha! That's awesome.

By the way, bought the book, finished it yesterday, and loved it! Yr my hero.

Anonymous said...

Schuyler for president!!

Seriously, that's an awesome answer. And, as I'm costing into the end of the semester right now, send one my way and make it blue.

Liana said...

She sure has been paying attention! I think the White House needs more than just one, though.

And while we're at it, I'll take one, too, in blue, please! :)

Anonymous said...

Makes sense. The White House already has an asshat.

Unknown said...

Wow. Already following in your footsteps. Apple--> tree (as in, not far at all). Too funny.

ANGIERAE said...


I devoured Schuyler's Monster today, after having seen the announcement about it on Scalzi's blog, and following along here until the library loan system delivered it to me.

I read it while large print jobs printed at work, I read it while cooking dinner, I read it until there was no more to read.

Schuyler's story is an amazing one, and so is yours. Thank you for letting the world peek in and see it.

Kate Schmidt said...

That is the most awesome thing I've ever heard.

Jennifer Good said...

Schuyler, FTW.

Anonymous said...

Well, the White House has had an ASS HAT in there for about 8 years, so why not a BRAIN HAT for a change.

Good call Chubbin'.


Alexis said...

I love it! Brain hat, what a perfect answer!