I am DONE.
Well, aside from the final edit, which I am hoping will take about a week, maybe two. Then it's off to the publisher, where my editor will read it and decide what parts suck, and then I will de-suckulate it, and then it gets sent back and re-edited and developed by some more smart people, and fact checkers might see if anything smells like James Frey, and then lawyers will read it and tell me that I'll get sued if I call someone "fucknuts", and then I'll have to secure permission for any quoted material I use and also permission to quote Fucknuts in that one chapter, and then I'll try to have a headshot taken that doesn't make me look like Garrison Keillor or Jabba the Hutt, and then designers will come up with some artsy fartsy cover design most likely using one of the seven thousand photographs I've taken of Schuyler, and then galleys will be sent to me for proofreading (maybe I should get someone to help with that part), and there'll be one last request for me to verify information and remove any outright lies, and then I'll be at your local Barnes & Noble, leering at the 18 year-old booksellers and signing my big fancy pants book, by golly.
Anyway. I'm getting drunk now.
yeah! congrats upon completing your book.
i'm a lurker who just happens to be up and decided it'd be a good time to leave a comment.
can't wait to read your book
Dude, I am so happy for you!! Okay, so there is still work to be done....but you have accomplished the mission!! Congratulations, so forth and so on.....!!!!!!
a lurker who works in the publishing world dropping to say congrats, and definitely have someone else proofread for you. You're so close to this material, it'll be easy to miss stuff. Plus it's good to cut yourself a break now and then.
I wonder when it will make it to Oz so that I can read it!!
YAYAYAYAYAY! Doing the happy dance for you and drinking Bulmers Irish cider too. :)
Awesome. That must feel soooo gooood. Congratulations and I can't wait to see it all happen!
That's awesome! Congratulations, I can't wait to read it!
Congratulations! I hope you enjoy, er, survive the editing process. My favorite part was when the copy editor changed what the editor changed, changing it back to what I had written :)
I am really looking forward to this book!
Man, that is so damned cool. Congratulations.
Very cool! Good for you.
I feel a little dirty being one that has read several of your blog entries, but never commented. So,a belated hello and congratulations.
Congratulations! :)
Sorry, I can't stop laughing at the Garrison Keillor resemblance. Congrats on finishing, Rob!
What I want to know is -- will your book be sold at Monolith locations? Because then you could be all, suck it, Monolith! How do you like THEM apples?
Seriously, that's awesome news. Good luck with the editing process and screw Fucknuts anyway.
Congratulations, Rob! I can't wait to come harass you at your B&N NYC book signing!
Congratulations! I can't wait to have my very own copy. When I first discovered your blog, I told some friends about Schuyler's story, then the book deal and they're excited too!
Do you have a hangover?!?! If so, I bet it is the best one ever!
I have been blessed with a metabolism that almost never results in a hangover. I'm fresh as a daisy this morning. Well, a daisy that's thinking of going back to bed.
That's pretty damn fabulous!
Annie C.
Oh my word. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Woo! Wa-hoo!
Way to go, man.
BTW, may I use "de-suckulate" in my job description? I'll credit you. Because, Jeebus, if you saw some of the copy I get from one of my co-irkers, you'd know. (Yours, however, will not suck and will not need to be de-suckulated. It just may need a little tweak here and there. Take it from one who does that for a living.)
I love that you're drinking Hornsby's. Silly little rino. And congrats!
84,885 must be your lucky number. I read somewhere that 80% of the population claims they will write a book someday; 2% actually do it. Congratulations!
Another lurker here ... Congratulations and I look forward to reading the book.
Please, please, please add in at least one James Frey-ish detail. "Schuyler was on the plane, high on a cocktail of Vicodin, Oxycontin, cocaine, and Flintstone's chewables, spitting out expletives at the stewardeses through the Big Box of Words..."
Congratulations Rob! Please be sure and let us know where you may be signing books.
That's fantastic news! Congratulations and happy new year!
Congratulations, Rob! I look forward to more book-related news in the months to come! :)
Holy crap! Congratulations. I can't wait to read it. Hope you sell a gazillion books.
Hooray hooray hooray! Congratulations and well done!
Congratulations! This is amazing....
Oh, man - congratulations, Rob! Adding to all of the above praise and happiness for you. I cannot wait to read. As Marian above me said, I hope you sell a gazillion books.
I'm shooting for a gazillion myself, actually.
What a way to start the new year! Congratulations.
DUDE. Two words:
Awe. Some.
You did it! Congratulations. I hope the editing process goes smoothly!
CONGRATS. Eager for the finished product.
Congratulations! Make sure to include Albany NY on your whirlwind book-signing tour.
Only Albany in the summer.
At the risk of sounding as unoriginal as I am being:
Many congratulations from Jim & Pat in Austin. I used to teach English - if you need a proofreader!
We can now say 'WE KNEW HIM WHEN...'!
YAHOO!!!!! What an accomplishment!! I'm thrilled for you and can't wait to read it. Better put DC on the book tour!
EXCELLENT! Congrats!!
Yay! Woot! Congratulations!!!
I totally love the "de-suckulate"
I can't wait to pre-order it online!
WOOOOOOOOOOOO! Congratulations! :D
Rob - this is all kinds of amazing! Congratulations, and enjoy this next part of the ride. I'm looking forward to pre-ordering my copy!
i'm so, so proud of you. i tell your story to my friends and my eyes get watery. you're such a wonderfully down-to-earth dude. it's been a joy to watch your writing grow over the years. ... and to watch schuyler grow over the years (and see you and julie grow stronger as a result). what a dream this is for you!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
Congratulations on almost being finished. Can't wait to meet you, your wife and Schuyler in person one day and have you sign my copy. Hope it's not too much longer. Then you can rest your fancy pants. I'll raise a glass of Manischewitz....all we have in the house! lol
The Bests
Delurking to give a heartfelt CONGRATS! I've been reading your blog forever it seems and you are an inspiration and down right funny too. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of your book. :)
Congratulations, Rob! I can't wait to read it.
Congrats!! I've been reading your stuff for a loooong time. If you happen to make it to the Buns & Noodles in Albany, NY, I'll drag all my friends and we'll ooh and aaaah over your fancy pants.
Congrats. I'm already planning on who to give your book to.
What an astonishing coincidence...
Who's the man? You da man! Congrats :)
Congratulations! I hope you come to sunny South Florida for a signing!
Congrats, Rob! I can't wait to read it!!
Many congrats!!! I hope that was some tasty cider and might I just say how much I love the term de-suckulate.
I stumbled upon your blog and am touched and inspired. Your daughter is lucky to have a Dad like you and you're lucky to have that book deal. I'm just starting to blog and write, myself. I'm heading back to your site to read up on the diabetes portion of your life - I "got" mine in '06. Thanks again!
A little behind everyone else, but WOO-HOO!! And they probably will provide someone to proofread, but if you'd like I'd be happy to volunteer (yes, that means for free) - I used to work for a typesetter and proofing was one of my favorite parts.
Speaking personally, I sure hope 2007 is better thans 2006. I had one of those "fuck THAT" years myself - the Rum-Huds have been one of the little shining lights that have helped me get through some days!
P.S. -- Rob, if the book tour comes south, please bring your fancy pants to Davis-Kidd Booksellers in Nashville. We will be your cheering section! (Until you ask security to throw us out and escort you to your car just in case we're still hanging around. Ahem. Heh.)
I can't wait to get a copy of your book---hopefully signed by you. Congrats!
PS. Bring me a puppy to the signing.
PPS. Cider beer is awesome.
PPPS. It makes me have to pee every 3 minutes.
Congratulations, Rob. I'm in the galley-correcting stage, which felt like it would never get here, and believe me, by that point the words just swim on the page. But it's all, all worth it, and I have no doubt that your book will be an amazing success and a well-deserved one. Yay for you!
fvcking a Rob!pa
Please make Raleigh NC part of your tour as well.
Many of us in and "around" the Triangle read your blog and can't WAIT for the book to hit stores!
Wow. Congratulations. I mean, CONGRATULATIONS!
awesome! Congratulations! Come to Chicago on your book tour!
That must have been quite the party. IT's taken you out of commission for 4 days!
1/2 a glass of wine and I'm tipsy. And to think in my better days I could put back 2.2 beers!
Congrats on finishing. Can't wait to read it!
I'm another lurker who's been following you and Schuyler's adventures for some time and what better time to delurk. How wonderful. I'm looking forward to reading it.
And fucknuts should learn to take a joke for once...
75 comments .. pass the shot glass LOL! it'll be alright - after the hangover...
ps alcohol & beedies dont mix. ;)
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