August 24, 2011

"You are the music while the music lasts."


Elizabeth said...

Wonderful photo -- there is always such a lightness to Schuyler's face. I am struck by how we know her so essentially through you. Thank you.

Annie said...

How exciting! Schuyler looks ready to take the music world by storm!

Claire said...

Wow! Most Excellent!

Maya said...

oh beautiful marimba! love the picture of schuyler there too; she looks like such a pro! how long has schuyler been playing? or is she starting this year? is she planning to be a general percussionist, or just do mallets? i was a mallet percussionist all through high school (well, and steel drums) and then picked up the other drums in college. my disability is very different from schuyler's but music was a big equalizer for me and really brought me confidence. i hope she has a lot of fun in band this year! :-)

~ @MarfMom

tiffany ard said...

Oh. hell. YES.