October 31, 2006

Halloween Confession

Wicked Witch of the Chucks
Originally uploaded by Citizen Rob.
Yesterday morning, after we'd gotten ready for school but before the bus arrived, Schuyler and I were sitting on the couch, watching television. She was eating her breakfast of apple slices and generally absorbed in a high energy show about animals, hosted by a lemur puppet whose name I am entirely too lazy to look up how to spell. Parents, you know the one.

I looked over at her and asked, "Are you excited about Halloween?"

"Yeah," she said, not looking away from her show.

"Are you looking forward to being a witch?"

"Uh huh," she answered, clearly a little irritated that I was still bothering her while she was trying to watch baby animals on tv.

"Tell me, Schuyler, are you a good witch or a bad witch?"

She sighed and pulled her device over to her side. She quickly punched a few buttons and then hit the speak button, turning back to her television show without so much as a glance as it spoke for her in its calm computer voice.


Well. There you go.


Anonymous said...

Well of course she is a bad witch! What fun is a good witch? It's basically a full sized fairy! Duh!

Anonymous said...

Zaboomafoo!!! Now leave the kid alone while she watches her shows!

Lyrically speaking said...

That's a cute story :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, don't believe that for a second, Mr. Anonymous. Good witches can be VERY fun.

Wendy Power said...

Bad witches have the cool shoes.

Anonymous said...

Ha! You can almost hear the creepy music start to play in the background after she answered!

Mark G

Michelle O'Neil said...

She's too precious. And too cool.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy these times Rob. Time flies.

kris said...

Hilarious. Looking at those pics, it's clear that Schuyler is one bad-ass witch. I hope she had fun!

Feel better, Rob.

Gaijin Mama said...

Love the pink high tops! I just discovered your blog yesterday and that you spent time in Kalamazoo. I went to Kalamazoo College for awhile and my grandparents lived in Schoolcraft. What were you doing there??

Robert Hudson said...

Mostly just farting around, waiting for Julie to graduate from Western.

CJ said...

She's got spunk, that one!!

Anonymous said...

Love looking at your blog. Your family is awesome! Saved to favs. We live in Austin and it was such a treat to view your photos taken here. Your work is fabulous. Im a social worker and a family and I worked very hard to obtain a BBoW for my client. They truly are remarkable. Yours weirdly,
Shannon, Carey, Abigail and Porter Best-Austin

Anonymous said...

Ha! Schuyler is great! And btw: I don't get sick of hearing about shitty health problems. It makes you real and for those of us who suffer too it helps to know we're not alone.

also, i think you are really inspiring because you don't let all the health issues stop you from doing great things with your life...although the "shits" really slow up your momentum.

you rock man. woops, that was lame.

Anonymous said...

She is SO awesome :)

Stephanie said...

Awesome to see you again after, what, 3 years?

Don't forget, Mr Fancy Pants is an excellent knuckle tattoo...

Jammies said...

Since I'm not that far from my own childhood (at least mentally!), I distinctly remember the supreme irritation of having a parent interrupt something on which I was concentrating to ask stoopid questions.

Shame on you, Rob, and yay for Schuyler. ;-)

Amy said...

Heh...it's actually good to hear that Schuyler's using the BBOW in situations like that, where from a kid's perspective your parent is asking the most obvious of possible questions. Maybe you can program a button to say, "Duuuuhhhh," or "Cooooome oooon," with the special kid inflection.