April 27, 2015

Tag Out

This morning, at Support for Special Needs:
I need to quit worrying about the people who are supposed to be helping our kids but aren't, or about the society that should be opening doors for them but is politely but firmly closing them instead. For just a little while, I need to step away from the fear, and from the sense of injustice and from the feeling that I am growing old at a far too rapid pace and that time is running out for me to be able to fix everything for my little girl before I go, because goddamn it, that's what fathers are supposed to do.

1 comment:

Deb said...

Rob, as the parent of two neurotypical kids who has been reading your blog for many years, I just wanted to offer... damn it, I can't offer you ANYTHING, really, not material assistance (except I bought your book), not reassurance that people really don't suck (they do), not hope for the future (except for maybe in assistive technology... I've loved watching how that has progressed even in Schuyler's childhood and I like to imagine what it will be like when she's 30, 50, 70), nothing except... well... how about a sense that even people who are experiencing none of your particular issues appreciate your insights? Find what you say inspiring and helpful? And wish there was some way they could help lift you up from halfway across the country when you're struggling? You push out 500 words to this big invisible audience every week, and I wanted to just affirm for you that this audience cares, it really does. We really do. Best wishes and virtual hugs from Rochester, NY.