February 18, 2013

Alone on a Crowded Sea

‎Today, at Support for Special Needs:

"I once believed that a larger sense of community would benefit us all, that the rising tide raises all the boats, etc. I don't think I believe that anymore, not entirely. The Internet makes it feel like there are a lot of us in the same boat, but perhaps it's more like there are a great many little boats bobbing around in the same dark sea. And perhaps that's the best we can hope for. Tend your little boat, and find the friends with who you can tie onto for a time and help each other."


Jim said...

Yeah, I'm retreating to the safety of my dinghy.

Which is not to imply that I fear for my safety, or that I feel I am unsafe. Or that I have an actual dinghy.

Unknown said...

Exactly. You'd think that the commonality of "this" would help to bond people, but no.

Jo Ashline said...

Yeah. To say I'm over the internet drama within certain communities is a gross understatement. I just need to go back to writing because I love it, not because I'm trying to please everybody.

Which, you know, is kinda impossible.

Sara said...

A perfect description of the diabetes online community as well, don't you think?

Robert Hudson said...

I've stayed pretty far away from the diabetes community for a while. I got burned early.

Cotamom2 said...

It is so easy to get burnt, but when I run into someone like you it gives me hope. I just want to go out for coffee and talk all day.

Anonymous said...

I am writing because it feels relatively safe to start here. I am enjoying your posts, feeling like an outsider and inside some circles at the same time. My own daughters issues are small in comparison but not insignificant. I know the future sadness/ dread feeling. But I'm here, I'm writing, because I am venturing into the world of cognitive disabilities as a maker of books. Unlockbooks.org is my fledgling progress on turning my skills to this special kind of book. Thank you for letting me know a bit about your world, hopefully I will make good use of the insights provided.