January 9, 2009



Anonymous said...

Maybe it is the bribery, maybe she doesn't mind the equipment, but it seems she's not so upset about it anymore. I hope that's the case. Good luck!

Robert Hudson said...

She had a bad afternoon with lots of tears when they were putting it on her, largely due to an insensitive tech who didn't seem to realize that it was a human being she was dealing with. But Schuyler bounces back like a champ.

Elizabeth said...

Send these over to Steve Jobs -- maybe he can design something without a net. The one my daughter wore had a tail that snaked down her back -- lovely. I think insensitivity goes with the job of EEG tech.

Galen said...

And I thought that old coot that used to do the EEGs at Cook Children's 25 years ago was one of a kind! Guess not... The main thing I remember is that he used to yell at Marcus if he wasn't still while he attached all the wires.

Unknown said...

"But Schuyler bounces back like a champ."

She takes after her parents -- you guys have taught her a lot -- that's why she'll always be a lot more than a kid with a monster, no matter where the monster tries to drag her.

BTW, I gave a copy of your book to friends whose 4 month old is in the hospital with seizures of unknown origin. They're dealing with a terror of the unknown. I told them, no matter what they learn, you three are living proof of the doninance of the human spirit.

Anonymous said...

I'm not entirely sure what would be the best outcome for you guys (if nothing shows up, can you conclude that she really isn't having seizures, or would you fear that it's something else you haven't caught?) but, whatever it is, I hope you get it. I also hope the rest of the weekend goes well. It must be a pretty annoying device to wear.

Gosh, the way she's sitting, foot tucked under her leg, makes her look so grown up.

Anonymous said...

That's some fashionable headwear --- couldn't they have at least made different colors for kids to choose from?

little.birdy said...

Here's hoping for some answers! She IS a champ. I can't imagine sleeping with that rig on.

Unknown said...

Somehow, she manages to make it look stylin'.

Anonymous said...

My son had the extended at home EEG (along with a sedated in-hospital EEG and brain scan) when he was 4 years old. He was moving in odd ways that docs thought might be seizures. My son, now 7, looks at the old photos of the experience (much like your daughter's pix) and talks about the time "when he broke his head." The EEGs never showed any seizure activity so they told us he was having stereotypies that he would grow out of or not. Yes, gray answers all around. Good thoughts to you.

Niksmom said...

I think it's part of the EEG lab tech training to be cranky and abrasive. Schuyler actually looks rather stylish in her wrap! Of course, she's a trendsetter anyway! LOL

The first ambulatory EEG we did w/ nik they wrapped his head in so much gauze that he looked like a pirate. A friend actually gave him a parrot beanie baby to perch on his shoulder! Hey...you've gotta keep your sense of humor about this stuff, right?

Monroegirl said...

She is way too cool of a kid...looks like it's no problem! Mas would have the entire mess on the floor about two minutes after they put it on! I think only Schuyler is capable of looking classy with an EEG cap on her head...give her a hug from Mason and his family! Here's hoping the rest of the weekend goes by quickly!

Ellen Seidman said...

That's the exact same chic getup Max had. But I agree, Schuyler makes it look as cool as it possibly could.

I hope you get answers.

Maire said...

You go Schuyler!! I remember years ago when I needed the same thing; I have alopecia, the neuro knew this. When i went to have it put on, I asked if I could where a scarf over my head, the tech said no, nothing could cover it. yeah, I'm going to go out on the street with this thing and my half bald head. Bye bye MOFO insensitive Neuro...glad you got the glue out!