October 29, 2008

Story in Plano Profile

Plano Profile, "Author Robert Rummel-Hudson moves his family to Plano for his special-needs daughter"
by Britney Porter

"Schuyler is a princess whose story is unlike most, and unlike most fairy tales, the monster in her story is one she cannot see or touch or even run away from. It is Bilateral Perisylvian Polymicrogyria (BPP), a rare neurological disorder that affects her speech, and after five years of doctors visits and one alarming parent-teacher conference at a school in Austin, Robert Rummel-Hudson and his wife Julie moved to Plano to try to slay the beast.

"Read the entire story!"


  1. What a fabulous article! I love that Schuyler herself was interviewed for it. I wish I lived closer because it would be very cool to have a book autographed by the *both* of you.

    Though our kids have vastly different issues, every victory for Schuyler gives me such hope.

  2. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Rob---You take such great pictures and this one---well, it stinks. Not the people, the shot. Agree? I read the article and loved it but I think I see a little bit of forced-to-do-it in your face. Make them print a retraction---of the picture! Yikes!
