January 30, 2012

A Musical Interlude

To help make up for the sad, gloomy Grim Reapy nature of that last post, here's a little something that Schuyler and I did tonight while practicing her marimba music for her next concert. I asked her if she wanted to share any of it with all of you, and we went through all the clips we shot and found the two she liked the most:

And then we started to have some fun, and ended up with this unedited and unrehearsed forty seconds, which is now just about my favorite thing we have ever committed to video.

Ladies and gentlemen, The Awesome Song:


  1. That was FANTASTIC! I truly loved it. Thanks, Rob and Schuyler, for making me smile tonight! :)

  2. That IS an awesome song!

    Now feed her some dinner :)

  3. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Dad, your are one lucky dude because your princess still WANTS to make music with you! Tonight our family dinner was sabotaged by the unstoppable commando force of three tween-ish girls busting into dramatical musical dance numbers and completely ignoring boring, "elderly" mom and dad and their neglected, organically raised pork loin/broccoli combo gelatinously congealing on the cooling dinner plates. Seeing this immediately afterwards makes me wish you could drop Schuyler off here for the next throwdown...I'm assuming she's cool with Mamma Mia?

  4. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THE AWESOME SONG!! So much that I had to use all caps for that statement. I'm smiling too, Schuyler. :-)

  5. That was my happy for the day! Thank you.

  6. Truly awesome. And the look on YOUR face sort of made me want to cry.

  7. "What is that gorgeous young woman called?"

    You're awesome Schuyler!!!! :)

    Rob, thank you so much for these. Made my day! Give the little musician a hug from us!

  8. You guys ROCK!

    Yay you.
    Thanks so much for posting!

  9. Bravo!! Consider this a digital standing applause.

  10. You two are awesome together!

  11. Great job, Schuyler and Rob! My dad was a band teacher and gave my bro and I lessons and we had lots of jam sessions at home together. Good memories!

    Carrie T.

  12. Seems like you two had a lot of Big Good going on ths day...I love those days....

  13. Seems like you two had a lot of Big Good going on ths day...I love those days....

  14. Awesome Song would make an Awesome ringtone.

  15. You are both so beautiful. Thank you.

  16. Yep, awesome. For so many reasons.

  17. Rob, loved the video. But if you don't mind my asking...whatever happened with Sprint?

  18. I love reading about your drummer girl. My 13 year old is partial to the bass too. It's bigger than her and makes video taping concerts a challenge. Her ultimate goal is the bass in marching band. I am so glad that Schuyler's band teacher has been so willing and able to work with her.

  19. I have been following you two for a while! I'm a big fan of both. You make me smile you make me cry and you make me happy that there are people like you in this world! Thank you!

  20. I love the AWESOME SONG! (you two are so cute together!) And I agree - it would make a really great ringtone!

  21. This child, my God. I cannot handle the level of cute. I may actually die from cuteness. The Awesome Song is kind of the best thing I have ever seen.

  22. hahaha!! THAT TRULY WAS AWESOMMEEE!! :)

  23. Love it!

    Usually Schuyler is Julie to the max, but her face in the screencap of the second video is all you.

    Love to you all!

  24. Haha! Love it!

    Usually Schuyler is totally a mini-Julie, but her expression in the screenshot of the second video is all you.

    Love to you all!
