June 9, 2008

As a writer, I hate to admit when words aren't enough, but...


  1. ah, but I think the best writers know when words aren't enough :)

  2. Simply stunning! Yes, there are no words to adequately describe that.

  3. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Gorgeous all around. A fascinating expression on her face, too...

  4. Love this. The colors, her expression, the butterfly...
    And this photo is such a contrast to the ones of her and the statue of the man being carried....color here, grayness there (aside from her, of course).
    When she is older, she will SO appreciate all these amazing photos you've taken of her. :)

  5. There's not really any words needed for this one, it speaks a story all by itself. She totally looks like you in this picture by the way.
    I agree with liana, she's really going to be glad of all the photos you've taken of her through the years, I'd give anything to have a photo timeline of myself growing up.

  6. Great picture, Rob. If you ever make it up this way, you must take Schuyler to the Niagara Falls Butterfly Conservatory. (http://www.niagaraparks.com/garden/butterfly.php)

  7. Schuyler looks like she's focused on being very, very, extra gentle. It's an incredible photo.

  8. Anonymous4:19 PM

    You are an excellent writer because you realize the picture speaks for itself and words would lessen the impact.
