August 22, 2007

A sad commentary on the state of the internet? Perhaps!

So this is really flattering.

As is this, once I looked up what it actually meant.

But this? That's just sad.

Anyway, thanks to whoever put me up for those. I'll try to keep my hotness in check. It hasn't been a problem for the last 39 years...


  1. Intellectual, honest, good writer, occasionally childish and best at Rock 'em, Sock 'em Robots? Yes. Hot? Well, hmmm. To nerdy girls maybe or out there smart chicks like your wife. No teen idol magazines in your future, though.

  2. Hey they don't define what they mean by "Hottest".

    Have a look at the other blogs in this category before you rush to judgment.

    Rob you've got my vote anyway. I think your family would say you're 'hot' and that's all that counts in the end.

  3. errr, now what do you want us to say...

  4. My spouse insists hot can come in a lot of packages. Got a match?


  5. Anonymous1:47 AM

    Actually, I think you're kinda hot! Guess I must be a "nerdy girl"... no, I'd rather claim "out there smart chick"...
