May 3, 2007

Bookedy book book stuff

I've been posting so rarely on my book blog lately that it's probably worth mentioning when there's a new entry over there.

So yeah. There's a new entry over there.

This has been the slow time for book stuff, and really, I'm still nine months away from publication, so that's probably as it should be. I've been writing online for so long, since 1995 if you can believe it, and the worst delays I usually have to deal with involve not having internet access at the precise moment that I want to upload some pearls of wisdom.

(Tonight would be a good example. Massive, nasty Texas storms rolled through last night and knocked out our power for about eight hours. It was cool while the storms were actually moving through; we just sat on the bed and watched the show, waiting for cows and trailer homes to start flying by so we'd know when it was time to hide in the bathtub. Now, it's just boring. Also, it's uncool when the lights and television suddenly come back on at 3am. I think I peed myself.)

So I've been spoiled by the instant gratification of the internet. Adjusting to the glacial pace of the publishing world is probably good for my impatient soul. Having said that, I found out today that I'll be getting my first round of edits back soon, and that's when the real work begins. You know, aside from that whole "writing the book" part.


  1. Oh, man. You'll be in my thoughts during the editing. That's so much more work than you ever think it will be.

  2. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I would love it if you would participate in the Virginia Festival of the book next year.

  3. Anonymous2:11 PM

    I anticipate this book like a frog frozen on a lily pad in a deep freeze. But wait, have you thought about the movie yet? J/K
    Good luck with the edits Rob.

  4. For real, that was hurricane-quality wind last night. The rain was vertical. I felt like I was back in Houston. We lost our fence, but it was a rickety POS anyway. If I ever figure out YouTube I might upload the video I took.

  5. Two questions, of the editing variety, to get you in the mood.

    Did Tracy really mean vertical rain?

    Should it be Internet with a capital 'I?'

    Argue among yourselves.


  6. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Gee, it's great to hear from another "editor" type. These things used to scream at me. Now I muffle them with duct tape, keeping them to a whimper, and thus keep my sanity!

    What amazes me are the number of goofs in professionally published works.

    I'll be counting, Rob. :D

  7. Tell me about it! My email has been down for......about 8 hours and 3 and a half minutes......

  8. From this exactly one post I've read on your blog, I like your blog. I'll remind myself to visit again. Good luck with the edits. Congrats on the getting-published part.
